Three Things To Know About Hiring Steeple Repair Contractors
Steeples are among the most important features on church buildings. People can see them from afar and they have a significant impact on the aesthetics of everything that lies beneath them. Whether simple structures, ornate, or built to house ringing bells, they’re a key visual element and deserve diligent maintenance and timely repairs. At Steeplejacks of America, we’re sharing three important things to know about hiring steeple repair contractors.
Scheduling church steeple repair is actually a key part of fulfilling your duty of care as a property owner. Not only do failing and poorly maintained steeples look badly, but they also diminish the safety of everyone nearby. The beauty of these features is often their impossible heights. If elements break off and fall, they can cause serious and potentially fatal injuries and significant damage to vehicles and other personal property.
Working with a church steeple contractor doesn’t have to be exceedingly disruptive. You can schedule this project for rapid complete during days when your parishoners are away or your building is closed entirely. Depending upon the complexity of your project, we can complete the work in no time and on a schedule that works well for everyone who uses your facilities.
We also practice diligent dust and noise control. This way, our work won’t interrupt any business activities occurring on your campus or greatly diminish the quality of your indoor air and the air that surrounds them premises. This is just as true for total tear-downs and rebuilds as it is for minor repairs.
We’ve been a trusted provide of steeple repairs for many years. We also boast and impressive range of capabilities. We work on and replace gilded domes, masonry buildings, cross and dome features, clock towers, bell towers, and more. We also offer lightning protection, tuck pointing, artificial turf, painting, and PVC coatings. To find out about our complete range of services, request a hassle-free quote, or schedule an appointment, contact Steeplejacks of America now!